miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2021


Patent translator
Scientific and Technical Translation
Sworn translator from English to Catalan


My name is Elisa Serra Salvi, a Chinese and English translator to Catalan and Spanish and former computer scientist engineer, with a background of 15 years of experience in the digital printing industry, with a great sensibility towards the written word, and professionally active in the field of technical translation since 2010.

I am a person filled with curiosity and enthusiastic wonder about all the things that the human being has been able to create either technically or culturally. My life has always revolved around four constants: facility with languages, flavor for literature, the pleasure of learning for the sake of learning and science thinking. Translation is my main passion. Due to my background, I deal more with technical and scientific texts although, like many other translators, we harbor the dream of someday translating a major literary work ...

I enjoy all the linguistic challenges that I come across. If you want to work well, everything has its complexity and appeal. English has been my common language since I started working at HP in 1994 and presently is a linguistic environment where I feel totally trilingual. As for Chinese, I have been learning it constantly since 2001. This is a fascinating language and culture that I see myself studying until the end of my days. As an old Chinese proverb reads, “learning Chinese is like eating a sugar cane: the more the end, the sweeter”.

You can find more information about me in:

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